Showing Tag: "building contract" (Show all posts)

Finding the Perfect Contract for Your Renovation (Part 2)

Posted by Admin on Saturday, June 1, 2024, In : Contracts 

                                                    Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

As highlighted in our previous post, standard forms of contract (model agreements) are a safer bet for homeowners and builders in comparison to bespoke contracts which may be drawn up to favour one party. Several building industry organisations have drawn up model agreements for use in the renovation or construction of homes. We give a brief introduction to a fe...

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Finding the Perfect Contract for Your Renovation (Part 1)

Posted by Admin on Saturday, April 13, 2024, In : Contracts 


Choosing the right contract for your renovation will depend on the complexity and size of your project. By complexity, we are referring to the number of different trades involved such as painting, tiling and plumbing.

Self-managed Projects

If your project only involves one trade and you are managing the project yourself, then accepting the service provider’s quotation in writing is sufficient for a contract to be in effect. Similarly, if you ar...

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